member management

Currently, Anblibags has a number of B2B and B2C customers in the United States and Europe, who purchase products from mainland China through AnblibagsAnblibags has focused on serving more than 10 million members over the past two decades with a wide range of high-quality differentiated products and competitive price.

Anblibags is an online and offline service channel which established by OSell. The one end connects market, manufacturer direct purchasing, on the other end connects overseas SME purchasers, meanwhile integrating business opportunity platform, Cross-border supply chain financial service, Source of factory purchasing management service, Decentralization advertising service, Cross-border e-commerce social service, etc. SME can set small and medium sized orders from Chinese factory directly.


  • Anblibags only focus on the source supply chain and establish purchasing center to lower the cost.
  • Anblibags purchasing center cover all over China, connecting product origins.
  • Anblibags collect orders from all over the world like buying group, and connect with original factory directly without any middlemen.


Are you a distributor in the United States and Europe or other countries?

Do you want to own the biggest B2B distribution in your area?

Do you want to enjoy the wealth multiplication of E-commerce development ?

Do you want to be the businedss leader in next e-commerce era?

Join anblibags, get factory price and free store online, start selling instantly!